Toronto Klevo Lapai (Maple Leafs in Lithuanian) consists of players of Lithuanian descent or who are related or married into Lithuanian families. TKL is the fourth generation of hockey in Toronto, the first in the late 70s, second in the early 80s when there were enough players for two teams, another in the late 80s and finally the current team which still has a handful of players from the good old days. Speaking of which, check out the photo below;
Here's a blast from the past, the actual game roster sheet from 1983 when we sent a pretty big team to Boston - just before we split up into two teams - and came in 1st. Ah, the memories...TKL practices every Thursday night from fall to spring at Hershey Arena. If you would like more information, would like to arrange a game or have comments about this blog please send an email to
Alvin Kišonas or
Ed Ginčauskas. We'd like to hear from you!
- AK
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