Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Charity Game vs. Latvians - January 4, 2009

Our first game of the season is scheduled for January 4, 2009, 5PM at George Bell Arena. Click the image for more information.

Festivities after the game will be held at Lokys.

This is a charity game so please donate generously since all proceeds go to the Seniors home!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

2008/2009 Season Starts September 25'th!!!

We're back again every Thursday at 10pm at the Hershey Centre starting September 25'th and Ending March 12'th. Exception dates are December 25'th and January 1'st.

Monday, July 14, 2008

TKL Golf Day...

Thanks to the Toronto Lithuanian Golf Club (TLGK.ORG) and club President Linas Saplys (at left in below pic) for allowing the TKL to join their golf day at Harborview on June 21st. Ten TKL hockey players joined in and had a terrific day, loads of laughs.

Here's Alvin handing out one of many prizes generously donated by TKL players (check out the first-rate prize table!), this one handed to tournament winner and TLGK member Vic Kaknevicius who shot 75 with Steve Podsadecki in second place with 78. Eddie G won one of the closest to the pin prizes in the 57 golfer field! Numerous door prizes and a putting and chipping contest added to the fun.

Larry teeing it up.

In the above photo, Mike Mazeika, Steve Podsadecki, Eddie Gincauskas, Chris Sturmas, Jurgis Kairys, Alvin Kisonas and, all the way from Ottawa, Joe Radzius. Also at the tourney but not in this photo are John Mazeika and Larry Richardson.
We hope to see more TKL'ers and our Baltic hockey friends join in next year!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Ausra Junior Hockey

TKL is supporting Lithuanian youth hockey in Toronto through coaching and sponsorship. Practices are being run at Lambton Arena from on April 8, 15, 22/2008 at Lambton Arena from 7-8PM.

Pictured is the Ausra junior hockey team with coaches Wally Dauginis, Ed Gincauskas, Juo Zenkevicius, Alvin Kisonas and Romas Biskys. Larry Richardson is also coaching this year.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

WE WON against the Estonians!!!

Lietuva 3 - Estija 2 (Overtime)

Results can be found here: http://balticcup.blogspot.com/

Monday, March 17, 2008

2008 Baltic Cup Playoff Schedule!!!

Saturday, March 29'th
Varsity Arena
5pm to 7pm (fans/family skate after game)

TKL Lithuanians vs. ESTONIANS:
Friday April 4'th
Iceland Arena Rink # 2
7:15pm - 8:45pm

TKL Lithuanians vs. LATVIANS:
Sunday April 6'th
Iceland Arena Rink # 3
4:15pm - 6:15pm (fans/family skate after game)

FINAL CUP GAME: ( 2 best teams after playoff elimination round)
Sunday April 13’th
Iceland Arena Rink # 3
6pm - 8pm (fans/family skate after game)

Baltic Charity Game was a success!!!

Toronto “Klevo Lapai” 4 – Toronto Latviai – 5

Gruodžio 15 d. Toronto “Vasity“ ledo ritulio arenoje vyko labai įdomus tarptautinis lošimas. Maždaug 130 žmonių stebėjo varžybas ir tuo pačiu paremė Lietuvių ir Latvių slaugos namus. $2,500 buvo surinkta nuo visų dalyvių – lošėjų ir stebėtojų - ir padalinta per pusę slaugos namams.

Latviai su pilna Komanda atvyko bet pakeliui kažkaip pametė savo vartiniką. Jonas Kurpeikis – iš Klevo Lapų komandos – sutiko laikyti Latvių vartus. Iš anksto Latviai vedė 2 – 0. Lapai tuoj pasivyjo ir sulygino 2- 2 (Petras Gverzdys, ir Steve Podsadecki (p. Vitkūno sūnus) įmušė). Vėliau Latviai parsimušė ligi 4 -2 ir vėl Klevo Lapai sulygino 4 – 4 (Jonas Mažeika ir Fred Duz įmušė). Bet trečiame kėlinyje Latviai įmušė penktą įvartį. Lapai tuoj pat sukūrė audringus puolimus bet nespėjo įmušt.

Toronto Klevo Lapų, Latvių ir Estų ledo ritulio komandos sukūrė Šiaurės Amerikos “Baltic Cup“ varžybas, kurios šuomet vėl vyksta Toronte. Mes dėkojame visiems žiūrovams ir kviečiame toliau apsilankyti Baltic Cup lošimus ir pasižiūrėti nuotrakas ant Internet: http://torontoklevolapai.blogspot.com/.

J. Zenkevičius.